Are you tired of feeling stiff and achy all day long? Do you long for more freedom and ease in your body? Somatic movement classes might be just what you need!
Somatics es un estilo de movimiento suave creado para ayudar a aliviar el dolor muscular crónico y mejorar la movilidad.Desarrollado por Moshe Feldenkrais y Thomas Hannah, el Movimiento Somático se realiza con la intención de traer conciencia a la experiencia interna en lugar de la posición externa. Los movimientos se realizan lo más lentamente posible para ayudar a reprogramar el cerebro para relajar completamente cada músculo.
Abordamos los reflejos más comunes que posee el cuerpo:
Luz roja -Hombros redondeados, tórax deprimido y cabeza que sobresale hacia adelante, lo que produce dolor en el cuello, la mandíbula, la cadera y la parte media de la espalda, cifosis postural y respiración superficial.
Luz verde -Cuerpo inclinado hacia adelante, espalda excesivamente arqueada con cuello y hombros apretados. Resultando en condiciones tales como dolor de ciática, discos herniados y cuello y hombros tensos.
Trauma -Este reflejo involucra los músculos de los rotadores del tronco que, cuando se contraen, elevan las caderas y giran ligeramente la columna. Esto puede manifestarse como escoliosis, ciática y una variedad de otros desequilibrios.
¡La mayoría de las personas (incluyéndome a mí) tienen un poco de los tres!
Por qué es tan beneficioso:
¡Somatic's no es un programa de acondicionamiento físico, es un programa de movimiento creado para reeducar su cuerpo para que pueda moverse libremente en todos los aspectos de su vida! La neuroconexión que realices puede reducir el dolor, mejorar la movilidad y reducir los síntomas del envejecimiento causados por la degeneración muscular.
Que esperar:
Cada clase comienza con un escaneo corporal para establecer la conciencia corporal y calmar el sistema nervioso. Puede esperar explorar de tres a cinco patrones de movimiento diseñados para relajar todas las áreas, incluidas la pelvis, los hombros, las caderas, la mandíbula y las rodillas. El objetivo de cada clase es establecer un nuevo espacio para el movimiento funcional en la vida cotidiana.
Esta práctica es adecuada para cuerpos lesionados y envejecidos, ya que los movimientos somáticos son pequeños, intencionales y fáciles de realizar.
Somatics is not a miracle cure but a natural way of progressively rebalancing your body. Developed by Moshe Feldenkrais and Thomas Hannah, Somatic Movement brings attention to the internal experience, rather than the external position. The movements are performed as slowly as possible to help re-program the brain to fully relax each muscle
Somatics movement is not a fitness program. It's a movement program created to re-educate your body so that you can move freely in every aspect of your life! The neuro-connections you make can reduce pain, improve mobility and reduce symptoms of aging caused by muscular degeneration.
Tight Neck and Shoulders
Hip & Knee Pain
Shallow Breathing
Abdominal Discomfort
Back Pain
Herniated Discs
Glute Pain
Frozen Shoulder
Tennis Elbow
Carpal Tunnel
Onset Scoliosis
Jaw Pain
Digestive Issues
Red Light
Rounded shoulders, depressed chest, and head jutting forward resulting in neck, jaw, hip, and mid-back pain, postural kyphosis, and shallow breathing.
Green Light
Foward leaning body, overly arched back with tight neck & shoulders. Resulting in conditions such as sciatica pain, herniated discs, and tight neck & shoulders.
This reflex involves the muscles of the trunk rotators which when contracted hike the hips up and twist the spine slightly. This can show up as scoliosis, sciatica, and an array of other imbalances.
Most people (including myself) have a bit of all three!
When the body loses it’s ability to relax certain muscles, our brain sends our system pain signals, this is called Sensory-Motor Amnesia (SMA). When SMA occurs the muscles become chronically tensed, the nerves become inflamed and eventually we lose function. Somatics uses pandiculation (tense and release) in specific sequences to re-teach your body how to identify chronically tensed areas and to release them gently; kind of like a massage for your insides!
Imagine if you wanted to give up your daily morning coffee habit of 20 years; you could go the cold turkey route and endure intense headaches, fatigue and irritability, or you could progressively substitute 1tsp of decaf coffee until your bodies caffeine dependance was reduced enough to stop.
Sensory-Motor Amnesia is similar to caffeine dependence. Your brain & body believe you have to chronically hold to certain areas to survive! Somatics supports you as you gently release chronic tension so you can relax the body without causing strain or pain.
The benefits I find have been gradual BUT significant. After about six months of classes with Madison, I noticed that my right knee stopped being as sore and irritating as it had been. Within a year I could go up and down stairs with virtually no pain. Today I can go up and down stairs without holding onto a railing, rarely experience pain — particularly going downstairs, and I can “jog” for a short period of time without any pain.
- Lorna Doerksen, Age 65
Somatics has helped me move parts of my body and be aware of muscles that I don't think I've engaged in a long time. I find the classes more challenging than a yoga class, and I think that's because we are forced to slow down and move parts of our body that we haven't used in a long time. My lower back pain has been relieved from these Somatic Movements. Sitting hunched all day has put strain on my back. But through somatics, I've been able to open up more and reduce strain and pressure on the lower back. "
- Shawn Setyo, Age 34
I thoroughly enjoyed the somatics with Madi. As someone who has very little experience with yoga, I was concerned this class would be beyond my abilities. However, this is a class that is truly for everyone and would benefit many people. I was hoping to get some additional tools to help tackle some chronic neck/shoulder pain I have been unable to alleviate with massage, chiro, and physio. And this workshop provided that. I left each class feeling a change in my posture, a reduction in tension, and a sense of calm. Madi was a wonderful teacher. Very calm, positive, and encouraging.
- Candace Bella
Madison’s classes made me focus on muscles my body had forgotten and even some tiny movements were really difficult. Not only did the class make me slow down, and focus on my breath, and my body, but also forced me to allow my body and my mind the freedom to move in ways that I don’t ever move. After every class, I felt amazing. And this was all done virtually, where Madison did an amazing job at walking me through and helping me every step of the way. Madison is calm, soothing, loving, and fun to be around in her class. I felt completely at ease despite doing the class surrounded by my kid's toys in our basement.
- Dan Nagy